Little goldfish in your bowl
I've dug you all day long
Yellow scales arising
Through the ceiling of my song
Little bee sat on your flower
A-swaying in the breeze
Funny little furry voice
A-buzzing through the leaves
Little goldfish in your bowl
I've dug you all day long
Yellow scales arising
Through the ceiling of my song
Little bird sat upon your twig
Your sounds ring through my ears
We can reach the sunrise
Through the morning's hopes and fears
Crazed blue-eyed starry-minded
fluffly little ball
Oh little baby on my knee
I love you most of all
Little goldfish in your bowl
I've dug you all day long
Yellow scales arising
Through the ceiling of my song
Petit peixet vermell dins la seva peixera
t'he estat cavant tot el dia
Escales grogues que surgeixen
a través de la teulada de la meva cançó
Petita abella sentada sobre la seva flor
T'influeix en la brisa una veueta
graciosa i peluda sona entre les fulles
Petit peixet vermell dins la seva peixera
t'he estat cavant tot el dia
Escales grogues que surgeixen
a través de la teulada de la meva cançó
Petit ocellet sentat sobre la seva branqueta
els teus sons toquen pels meus oïdes
Nosaltres podem alcançar la sortida del sol
per les esperances i pors del demà

Fluffly embogit i estrellat
importat de ulls blaus com pilotetes
Ah petit infant sobre el meu genoll
t'estimo per damunt de tot
Petit peixet vermell dins la seva peixera
t'he estat cavant tot el dia
Escales grogues que surgeixen
a través de la teulada de la meva cançó
Roy Harper's voice transmits me the quite feel of a calm situation. He calm me quickly with his voice. This song is the story of a fish, like poetry, singer makes rithm with lyric with a sort of comparations between different animals: a fish, a been and a bird. The singer describes the situations of all this sort of animals. In the different animal situations. Finally we have to sat that Roy makes personifications with these animals and converts them to life bodys with the action with the song.
2 comentaris:
A good song Roger!
See youu*
Well Roger, great job you've done!!
It's true that you're a sensitive soul, I can notice it in your writings. You show your passion when you write about a topic that makes you think.
Keep it up!
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